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Velux Loft Conversion Sheffield

Velux Loft Conversion

Dreaming of extra space in your Sheffield home but don’t want a major building project? Look no further than a Velux loft conversion! Velux windows flood your new space with daylight, creating a bright and airy atmosphere. You can choose from a wide range of Velux window options to complement your home’s architecture and personalize your space. Velux conversions also require minimal construction compared to other options, minimizing disruption and keeping costs down.

While “Velux loft conversion” has become a common term, it’s important to remember that Velux is a brand name, not a generic term for any loft conversion with skylights. Other high-quality skylight manufacturers exist, and it’s wise to explore your options for the best fit for your project. “Loft conversion with skylights” is another way of describing a project like this.

What is a velux loft conversion?

A Velux loft conversion, also known as a rooflight or skylight loft conversion, is a type of loft conversion that involves adding skylights to the existing roof structure to create a habitable space. It is one of the most popular and simplest types of loft conversions, as it is relatively inexpensive and requires minimal disruption to the rest of the house.

Benefits of a velux skylight loft conversion

Here are some of the key features of a Velux loft conversion:

  • Skylights: These are the main feature of a Velux loft conversion and are used to bring natural light into the new space. They come in a variety of sizes and styles to suit your needs and preferences.
  • Minimal construction: Unlike other types of loft conversions, which may require major structural changes to the roof, Velux loft conversions only require the addition of skylights and some minor modifications to the existing roof structure.
  • Cost-effective: Because they require less construction, Velux loft conversions are generally more affordable than other types of loft conversions.
  • Quick turnaround: Velux loft conversions can be completed in a relatively short timeframe, typically within a few weeks.
  • Bright and airy: The skylights in a Velux loft conversion let in natural light, making the space feel bright and airy.

However, there are also some limitations to consider with Velux loft conversions:

  • Limited headroom: Due to the existing roof pitch, Velux loft conversions may not have as much headroom as other types of loft conversions, such as dormer loft conversions.
  • Planning permission: While they are generally considered permitted development, you may still need planning permission for a Velux loft conversion, depending on the size and location of the skylights.
  • Limited space: Velux loft conversions are typically smaller than other types of loft conversions, as they are constrained by the existing roof space.

Overall, Velux loft conversions are a good option for homeowners who are looking for a relatively simple, affordable, and quick way to add extra space to their home. However, it is important to consider the limitations of this type of conversion before making a decision.

Velux Loft Conversion Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions we get about Dormer loft conversions.

Will the Velux Window provide sufficient light?

Indeed, Velux windows offer ample natural light along with ventilation as an added advantage. They are particularly suitable for maintaining privacy and work exceptionally well for loft offices, bedrooms, and bathrooms. During summer, you can prevent the loft room from overheating by incorporating a blackout blind. Furthermore, Velux now provides a full cabrio system, allowing your window to convert into a balcony (and revert to a window).

Is my loft suitable for a rooflight loft conversion?

The suitability of your loft depends largely on your pitch height — a minimum of 2.2m is necessary. However, it’s not just the loft height that determines suitability; your roof structure also plays a crucial role.

Most roofs fall into two categories: ‘traditional framed’ or ‘trussed’. Houses built before 1960 typically have traditional framed roofs with rafters running along the edges, offering ample space and relatively straightforward conversion prospects.

Trussed roofs, conversely, feature ‘W’ shaped rafters supporting the roof and floor structure. While these are more challenging to convert, they’re not necessarily unsuitable. In many cases, the ‘W’ shape can be replaced with an ‘A’ shaped frame. Steel beams are often installed between load-bearing walls to support new floor joists and rafters. Consulting a structural engineer is advisable to determine the best course of action.

What amount of space does a rooflight loft conversion provide?

It’s essential to understand that a rooflight loft conversion doesn’t offer any extra headroom or width within your loft; rather, it transforms it into an additional habitable room. Depending on your loft’s size, suitable conversion ideas for these spaces include children’s or guest bedrooms, home offices, or hobby rooms.

What is the Cost of a Velux Loft Conversion?

The starting price for a Velux Loft Conversion is £20,000 and up. However, the precise cost depends on various factors, including the number of windows needed, the roof’s size, the inclusion of a bathroom, and more. Loft Conversion Sheffield strives to offer the most cost-effective prices for your Velux loft conversion. Our expert loft team will conduct a thorough assessment of your property and gather specifications before providing a quote for the proposed work.

Is Planning Permission Necessary for a Velux Loft Conversion in Sheffield?

Planning Permission is typically unnecessary unless alterations to the roof’s structure are involved. Since only windows are added in this scenario, no structural changes occur. However, if you reside in a conservation area, heritage area, or flat, Planning Permission might be required. Rest assured, our team will offer free guidance and assist you throughout the planning process until completion.

Can a Velux Loft Conversion in Sheffield Increase Your Home’s Value?

Yes it can, especially if you are adding an extra bedroom. Nevertheless, its potential impact depends on several factors including the property location, the quality and design of the work, and the ceiling price in your area.